Anyway, this is day two of what I'm beginning to call Dumpstergate. It's a scandal a minute back there, people. Yesterday, while waiting in a truck out back, some friends and I watched a man (you guessed it) ripping open garbage bags, discover a can of hairspray, spray his hair, "scrunch" his curls in and then scream: What the f%#k are you looking at?
A Happy Canada Day to you, sir. And for the record: we were looking at you.
Traumatic? Not really. Yet hardcore enough that I dreamed about it all last night, though strangely enough, instead of looking like this:

My dream dumpster diver looked more like this:

(PS I joke because I love you, Chris Farley. I kid I kid...However, I'm not joking with you, torn-shirt guy with a killer body and a penchant for "distressed" underwear. You better come back and visit my dream dumpster tonight...or else)
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