Seeing as there's less than two weeks to go until the best parade of the year rolls through the West End, methinks it's time to start a countdown. Not just any countdown. No no. This isn't your standard weekend MuchMusic fare with shiny pg-12 banter from those sexless Toronto robots CHUM employs to brainwash Canadian youth into buying tens and tens of Sam Roberts records every year. Nor will this countdown take a page from the Cape Canaveral rocket launches of yesteryear, though I imagine there will be blastoffs of one kind or another every night for the next 13 days. (Reminder to check out
the fireworks on Wed July 31)
This is a gay countdown. Or in other words: the gaydown.
And what better way to kick off summer excess than with excess' favourite poster girl.
Is she straight? Is she gay? Does anyone even care?

My sister sent me this photo a few days ago and I thought, perfect, finally Lindsay Lohan is wearing something that I can relate to: a Pride flag dipped in sparkles. And look at that hemline! It's short enough to make
Dame Edna Everage clear her throat, straighten her glasses and purr: "I'm trying to find a word to describe what you're wearing, darling... affordable!"
I would like to take this opportunity to applaud Lindsay's new lady friend for encouraging Lindsay to throw caution to the wind (so to speak) and let the rainbow take her where it may.
Well-gayed, Lindsay Lohan. Well-gayed indeed.
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